Studying Nursing at BCTC


Erin Furry, Pinnacle Senior Ads

BCTC is a great place to start when looking to start a career in nursing. The nursing program has a wide range of topics that students explore in depth every day they walk into the classroom. Olivia Ludovici, a senior at Hamburg has been in the nursing program, at BCTC, for the past three years. She decided to go to BCTC to prepare herself for her career as a nurse. Her time spent learning at BCTC has been very insightful.

To start her day at BCTC, she signs in at her classroom, changes into scrubs, and grabs a computer to start working on that day’s project or assignment. Some of her tasks include learning about patient care, anatomy and physiology, nurse aide training, and using mannequins to master skills such as changing bedpans, catheter care, colostomy care, and patient lifting.

Olivia, says she enjoys her time at BCTC and says that it is an amazing learning experience for her. After she graduates and leaves BCTC, Olivia plans on going to a four-year college to get her BSN in nursing and then going back after working some years to get her graduate degree in Psychiatric Mental Health. BCTC is a great way to get going on life plans, especially if they involve nursing.