Alumni Spotlight: Tyler Holl reveals uncertainties about the future

February 2, 2019
Content on the now, and uncertain about the future, Tyler Holl, former Hamburg graduate, provides her input on the transition from high school to college.
Holl, who is currently enrolled at DeSales University with a major in English, sheds light on leaving the past behind. “It was a very well-rounded experience,” as it encouraged Holl to meet new people and explore her new, ever-changing stage of life.
Juggling school and a job, of course, is quite a challenge; however, Holl, surprisingly, is more motivated to complete her assignments ahead of time. “I’m finding that having more work seems easier to manage, because it gives me a structure and forces me to get stuff done. Too much free time leads to procrastination, and having less free time hones in on your time management skills.”
In terms of Holl’s favorite aspects of college-life, she, rather excitedly, listed the number of classes offered in relation to her interests, such as writing, poetry and English classes. Those include – Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Creative Nonfiction.
Of course, despite the variation in Holl’s life, she is not a fan of the drive to school, as well as the cost of the books she is required to purchase each semester. Furthermore, despite diving into a new sea of people, Holl only managed to make one, true friend; but, she is still “enjoying it” despite missing her high school friends, and one teacher, who, according to Holl, “inspired” her to major in English.
That teacher is Mrs. Eschbach. “She introduced me to poetry, unlike any other teacher I had before and has a true appreciation for literature.” Holl noted, quite cheerfully, that “despite the class not participating or brushing off assignments, she [Mrs. Eschbach] still showed up every day and made the kids active in class.”
Mrs. Eschbach greatly influenced Holl’s future, and Holl is eternally appreciative for every moment in Eschbach’s class (AP Literature and Composition). “I loved the feedback she gave on my papers. It was the first time I felt like I was getting true help from a teacher. I felt like I had true growth from her class.”
Nevertheless, despite Holl’s eagerness to learn new things, obtain decent grades and land a job of her preference after college, she remains unsure in regards to the future. “I can’t predict the future, so whatever happens, happens.”
Her path is not quite set, but it will, most-certainly, involve a career in either the English-field or, perhaps, publications. However, if I Holl could predict her life in ten years from now, she would, realistically, foresee herself working at a local newspaper. Her dream-job, of course, would be to either own a library or be a published-author; for Holl loves to read and her favorite novel, courtesy of Mrs. Eschbach, is – Merchant of Venice.
While Holl’s path is still being paved, she is hoping that future internships will “lay down a path.” One that she can follow.
When asked what advice Holl would offer to students who are currently in high school, she, almost habitually, recited her school’s [DeSales University] moto – “Be who you are and be that well.”
Despite Holl’s mini college-promo, she also provided her own words of advice. “Just because you didn’t try hard in high school, doesn’t mean you can’t try in college. It’s a new chance to start over. New friends, teachers and classes. Get out there in the world and gain confidence.”