Book review: “I am Malala”


Taylor Henn - 9

    I am Malala is the remarkable memoir written by Malala Yousafzai, who is the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. This touching story has impacted many people who have taken the time to read it.

    This novel had great reviews with a 4.9 star rating on the Goodreads scale. This is not surprising considering this is an unique story about a young girl’s life in Pakistan under the Taliban. Malala’s homeland was once known as the beautiful Swat Valley, but it then turned into a place where rights were being taken and where lives were being controlled and even taken away.

It really opened my eyes on how hard it is to get an education as a woman, and to see how many people are uneducated really makes me see how easy I have it.

— Travis Noecker

    When girls’ education was threatened, Malala was one of the few who spoke out. She refused to stay quiet when it came to her education, but unfortunately her words had a major consequence. She almost paid the ultimate price. She was shot in the head by a Taliban man on her way home from school. Many people did not expect the outcome to be good.

    Malala had an extraordinary recovery, and her story was known around the world. She encouraged many people to speak up for what they believe in, even when they think it is impossible. Malala Yousafzai will forever be known as the girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban.

    I am Malala was one of the summer reading books for students who are in ninth grade honors English. Travis Noecker, a freshman who is in honors English, was impacted by this novel. He said, “It really opened my eyes on how hard it is to get an education as a woman, and to see how many people are uneducated really makes me see how easy I have it.”

    This book is a very intense and heart-wrenching read, that makes people not take their life for granted. If anyone is interested in reading this book, they definitely should because it is a very memorable read.

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