Students of HAHS use their time for volunteering


Bethany Stufflet

      Volunteering is not only fun to do, but it is very helpful to both the community and the future. One thing that colleges and jobs look for on applications is volunteering. If someone volunteers a lot it shows that they like to do things for people other than themselves. So it is important to include any volunteering done, on college applications and job applications. Volunteering can also help with scholarships, if someone has volunteered, they may be more likely to get the scholarship. Ultimately, volunteering looks good on any kind of application, so it is always good to include those events, or start volunteering now to prepare for the future.

     At Hamburg Area High School, there are many volunteering opportunities. There are constantly fun events that students can help out with. Some events are collaborations with the elementary schools, and other events, such as the upcoming car show, are just at the high school. 

     Mr. Haegele, Liana Tiamzon, and Gabi Valentino are in charge of the car show on May 21. The car show will be held in the high school parking lot and will start at 9:00 in the morning and end at 1:00 in the afternoon. 

     Another event that students can volunteer at is Square Dancing at Perry Elementary, organized by the Perry PTO. It will take place on May 5 and start at 5:30 in the afternoon and go until 8:30 at night.

     For more information about volunteering opportunities, talk with Mrs. McCarthy or talk to Mr. Haegele if there are any questions about the car show.