Most popular movies and tv shows among students at HAHS

Most popular movies and tv shows among students at HAHS

Sadie Haines, Business Manager

Teenagers have a wide range of hobbies. From sports to being with friends, teenagers have to be entertained during all hours of the day. A popular hobby among students is watching tv and movies. Watching tv shows and movies is a great way to waste time and even learn about new things. Watching television can be a way to expose someone to new things that they might not get to experience in real life. It can also teach someone things, depending on what they are watching. 

    Teenagers tend to enjoy drama shows and movies. They also typically enjoy mysteries and horror. I really like comedy shows and movies. One example of a very popular tv show with students is Outer Banks. Students Maile Bentz, Kamryn Witman, and Morgan Lutz have all watched the show and enjoyed it very much. Maile Bentz claims that it is fun and fast paced. She says that it is not boring and she loves spending her time binging the series. Kamryn Witman also agreed with her, she thought it was very entertaining and watched the show in a very short amount of time. 

    A popular movie with teenagers is IT. This movie is old, and has been out for a while but is still a classic with teens everywhere. Most likely if someone were to ask a student in high school if they have watched this movie, they would say yes. Teenagers have a tendency to watch all of the popular movies, and this one was a huge phase for some teenagers, and even children.