Students battle procrastination


Riley Mohn – 9

     Procrastination is the action of pushing off a task until close to the due date or even past. Experts define procrastinating as “a self-defeating behavior pattern marked by short-term benefits and long-term costs.” Procrastination does not help in the long run. Instead it affects the one procrastinating. Procrastinating can lead to the task becoming gradually harder, and it can lead to ongoing stress from pushing off the task. Sure, it may lead to the task getting completed, yet it may not lead to it being completed. 

     I am very prone to unintentionally procrastinating, especially when I do not set reminders for myself. I also have a low attention span and I get off topic very often. Other students like Mia Goetz procrastinate and stall any assignments or conversations she does not want to answer or work on. 

     Researchers state that procrastinating can lead to higher levels of stress and lower the self esteem of a person. It can also lead to the finished task being considered as late work or even getting points deducted.

     Out of four students in the hallways, three of them stated that they procrastinate. The one student that does not procrastinate said she likes to get work done ahead of time so she can spend the rest of the time relaxing. 

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