Breaking down future expectations

Grace Cromyak, Hawk Happenings Assistant

      Human minds have a lot to think about. From imagining to planning things in the future, what anyone predicts to occur, and what others look forward to happening or expect to happen. Expectations are not necessarily a bad thing to have since they put the mind to work and help it grow into something big. Although it may be frustrating for a person to plan anything without having an idea of a set plan in place first.
    Being overwhelmed with planning out the future is common. An example could be a student applying for colleges and wanting to get into a specific college, they may try and plan out their time at that specific school rather than trying to look at what other colleges have to offer.
    Another example would be buying a house, a person would not want to buy a $300,000 house without the proper plan to be able to afford the home.
    To resolve this they could first put in mind that they need to save up for a down payment. Next would be keeping an eye on their credit score because those people will be able to qualify for lower interest rates and fees for new loans and lines of credit. The third step would be to get pre-approved for a mortgage which basically means telling the buyer that they are ready to take the next step in buying a house, which eventually leads to getting the proper real estate agent, and looking for the right house.
    The overwhelming part about planning all of these important expectations is people set their expectations way too high, which eventually leads to confusion and struggles. How to improve this issue is to set realistic goals that the person can achieve. If someone would want to purchase a vehicle, they would have to get a job first and save money for a down payment. Continued employment is required to make their monthly vehicle payments.