Students discuss Thanksgiving favorites


Hailey Quinn

     Thanksgiving is one of the most popular holidays in the United States. The holiday is not based around presents or commercialized decorations, which makes Thanksgiving that much more enjoyable. 

     According to personal research at HAHS, the most favored thing about Thanksgiving is the food. 71% of the respondents said that the food was their favorite part about Thanksgiving. 

     The food eaten on Thanksgiving is one of the most iconic aspects of the holiday, however the modern feast that is celebrated is quite different from the original banquet that began the tradition. According to the Pilgrims and Native Americans likely ate ducks, geese, and swans stuffed with herbs, onions, and nuts. Today, the main fowl is turkey, often served with a bread-based stuffing.

     Another popular Thanksgiving food is corn and other vegetables, including green beans, and carrots. On the first Thanksgiving, the vegetables included onions, beans, lettuce, spinach, and cabbage. There was also an abundance of corn, however, it was ground up and turned into a type of corn porridge, rather than the way corn is eaten today.

     In addition to fowl, the Pilgrims and Native Americans also feasted on fish and shellfish. Their meal consisted of lobster, bass, clams, and oysters. This is quite different from the modern day Thanksgiving meal. Seafood is not often associated with the traditional Thanksgiving meal, however, it was an important part of the first Thanksgiving. 

     Finally, pumpkin pie is a staple for the holiday season, however, the Pilgrims and Native Americans lacked the tools and ingredients necessary to make pumpkin pie. Instead they would hollow out pumpkins, fill them with milk, honey, and spices, and then roast them on hot ashes. 

     This Thanksgiving, as the food is being served, think back to what it was like on the first Thanksgiving and how the holiday has evolved throughout the years, yet still remains one of the most loved holidays. 

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