Transfer students attend HAHS


Madison Redding

 I moved. I have moved three times in my life: once in 2nd, again in 3rd, and now in 10th. Being a new student can be extremely stressful no matter the place or time. I have never exactly gotten used to it. I find that moving is different in each school. Whether it is the school next door or not, everything is different, almost like a whole new world. 

      New students come in and see people they never even knew existed even though they live so close or probably  have walked by them before. I arrived and saw a bunch of new faces when I started Monday, August  29,  2022. I was so nervous because I did not exactly know what to expect. The morning I came in, I went straight to the office, and the other new student sat next to me and talked about how we felt. She and I pretty much agreed on everything.  We both said, “This is new and a little nerve wracking. We do not know exactly how people will see us and if they will like us?”

         That was my biggest question coming in. Will I make friends? Will people like me or not? Now on my first day, I would like to say I made a few friends but they are more of acquaintances, possibly a wave in the hall, maybe a bit or back and forth. But then again it was only the first day, first week. But honestly after the first day new students catch along on to everything most do. I say this because I am a big person on first impressions and a lot of the kids and teacher were so kind. And I think I will get the groove quickly and will have a good school year at my new school Hamburg Area High School.