Sports happen all year round, fall sports, winter sports, spring sports, and even off season training. Whatever it is athletes put a lot of effort into their sports no matter what it is, and along with that comes a lot of time commitment. Not only do athletes have to go to practices every day, sometimes even Saturdays, but they also have to attend their games, matches, meets, or whatever the case may be. Spring sports are a big one with it being at the end of the year. Spring sports almost symbolize the home stretch of the school year. Also with spring sports comes the start of the warmer weather, which most people tend to enjoy.
Freshman and softball player Graylea Knight says, “everyone seems to be happy because the weather is getting warmer, the school year is almost over, and you can just enjoy time outside after the long winter.”
Sophomore Elizabeth Carroll says that “spring track prepares her for cross country in the fall because it helps her build back her insurance.” She also likes how there are less teams at meets compared to how many there are at cross country meets in the fall, and once again how it comes at the end of the school year.
Just like any other sport season, there are games and events that keep school comradery throughout the season. In the spring there are baseball and softball games, tennis matches, and track meets. They are a great thing to attend with friends in any spare time and also show some school spirit. So if there is nothing better to do, why not find the sports schedules on Hawks Athletics and come out to support Hamburg’s very own athletes in the nice warm weather.