Hamburg Area High School students cannot wait for Christmas and the dinner that will be provided. At Hamburg most of the students are predicted to have ham, corn, potatoes, dinner rolls, and apple pie.
Senior, Kaeli Cox says “I am most excited for the stuffing my grandfather makes.”
Some of the students prefer making sweet treats on Christmas then the actual dinner. Senior, Summer Bonser says, “My favorite treat to bake are sugar Christmas cookies.”
Whether it is the dinner or dessert that the students prefer, they all came to an agreement that sitting at the table with family over one dinner is their favorite.
The students shared the many dishes they are going to have on Christmas. Nearly all the students are having ham as their main dish, but the sides are where it gets interesting. There was a wide variety of side dishes shared such as mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, dinner rolls, stuffing, and so much more.