Field trips seem to be a thing of the past for the most part once those high school years come around. One of the big things is it is considered to be a stage of maturing. Once students hit their high school years, they are expected to be better off without events such as field trips. It is also due to the lack of funding as well as the complications with all the staggered schedules, as well as a lack of buses and nurses. Due to this certain classes will go on field trips such as AP bio and AP environmental, but grades as a whole will not go on field trips.
Sophomore Logan White believes that field trips are not necessary, he says, “We are older now, and certain things just are not as intriguing anymore.” He thinks that it is nice to have them for certain classes though. While he does not believe field trips are necessary, he does believe that they could work as a better incentive for students to keep their grades up.
Sophomore Alexander Devlin, on the other hand, believes that it does not seem fair to only have particular classes go on field trips, especially if other students want to go on field trips. Though he believes more students should have this opportunity, he does not strongly believe that it would motivate anyone to change or improve their academic performance.
Based on student opinions, field trips being incorporated into a year’s thing for each grade level could be both a hit and miss. Field trips could have the potential to boost students’ grades and keep them motivated throughout the school year, but there is also the possibility that it will not help with that at all. It would also be nice to give more students the opportunity to go on field trips if they would like to, so even if they can not be implemented into a yearly grade level thing, it would still be something to think about as an option for students from year to year. With enough interest, it is very possible that more field trips could be implemented into the curriculum in one way or another. Field trips that students may enjoy include going to amusement parks, museums, historical sites, and much more.