On March 4, Hamburg Area high school juniors had the opportunity to attend an annual college fair held by Alvernia University. The college fair consisted of around 50 different colleges and took place at Alvernia University’s indoor track. Each college that was in attendance set up a table with signs and pamphlets of information about their college and what they offer. Some colleges even handed out little souvenirs such as chapstick or pens.
Allie Houck had never been to a college fair like this before, but she said that she would attend another one because she found it very informative. She said, “Most of the questions I had on my mind about college got answered that day.” Similarly, Tia Adam also said that she has never been to a college fair before but would like to go again and look for more colleges. She found it interesting to see some of their random majors, and she thought it was informational, especially if students knew what they were looking for. If they wanted specific information, they could also ask about it; otherwise, she said, “The basic stuff on their pamphlets did help answer questions” as well.
Overall, I also found the college fair to be very informational and helpful when it came to figuring out what colleges I may want to attend. I think that this event should be held every year as it has been for some time to continue allowing students to learn more about colleges in and around the area so that they are better prepared for their senior year.