Every student at Hamburg Area High School has a favorite animal and a reason why. Some students have stepped forward to share their interest in certain animals that fascinated them above the rest.
Lilly Gibson prefers a Manta ray as her favorite animal and shared, “I think they are beautiful creatures. I also really like them because I got to pet one when I was little. I have always liked marine animals, especially any type of ray.” Similar to a Manta ray, Dakota Schneider finds the sting ray to be her favorite because, “I think they’re very beautiful animals; they’re super cute and as a kid being able to go to the aquarium and interact with stingrays and pet them also striked my liking for them. Manta rays are similar to stingrays but a stingray is smaller in size.
Another student favors winged animals. Kaitlyn Gallagher finds a flamingo to be her favorite animal because they match her favorite color pink.