Miss Emig is a student teacher with Mrs. Texter who is studying to be an English teacher. She went to Liberty High School and then for college went to Kutztown University. She is from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Some things that she finds interest in other than teaching English are cooking, playing the piano, hanging out with family and friends, listening to music, and reading.
Some reasons why she wants to teach high school English is because of maturity, having more things in common with students, and because she could not imagine herself in a room with children. One thing that convinced her to be an English teacher was because it is something she succeeded in more than her original choice of being a Biology teacher. Her favorite author is Mitch Albom. She likes the way he writes flashbacks and where most of his books take place. One thing she likes about Hamburg is that it’s small and it is our own healthy community that isn’t too crowded and that it is different for someone who grew up in a big school. 770