Since the second quarter ended on Friday, January 17, many students have had time to reflect on how it went. Each quarter brings ups and downs to every student, some which can be really good or really bad.
Junior Morgan Riegel reflected on her second quarter as better than the first quarter. Her biggest struggle was trying to schedule hours at work on top of her honors and AP classes. Besides the negative, she was able to go to the Science Olympiad competition at Kutztown recently and participate in Mr. Kline’s cup competition. Her favorite class overall this quarter was German Three with Fraus Stevens, who is also the teacher who helped her the most. For next quarter she would like to try and work more on Honors Precalc, stay focused, and balance her schedule.
Sophomore Kaylum Riegel had a fine second quarter. He did not have any favorite events, but the worst part of the quarter was his Chemistry mid-term grade. His favorite class was art history, taught by Mr. Kline. Bethany Stufflet, a junior, helped him the most. For the third quarter, he is going to try to work on improving his grades.
Overall these students had decent second quarters that went well in different areas and had their issues in other areas, but it gave them both an idea of what to change and what to learn from.