High school students are at the age of getting cars and driving to and from school and sports events. Some parents buy them cars, or the students buy them themselves. Some people purchase reliable and some buy them for what they are or the looks. Some people will buy a Honda or Toyota for their outstanding reliability and some will buy a Ford for the looks, not the reliability.
Out of 117 HAHS students, the most popular car brand is Ford, like the f-350, f-250, f-150s, gassers, and Diesel which is a type of fuel. There is a mix of vehicles in the parking lot, from all brands and body styles.
According to Kelly Blue Book the most popular cars for teen drivers are Honda Civics and Accords, Nissan Sentras and Versas, Chevy Cruzes and Cavaliers, Ford Focus and Fusions, and lastly Toyota Carola’s and Toyota Camrys. This shows most cars are reliable and it all depends on preference and budget.
Zach Spatz shares, “I bought my cars off Facebook Marketplace, or family members bought my truck off my dad for $3,000 and my Subaru off the marketplace for $5,500. I do not regret either of them. The Subaru has more mechanical problems than my truck, but my truck has a rust problem.”
Gracie Zettlemoyer states, “I bought my Jeep Compass from my mom’s friend for $3500. I don’t mind it so far; there have been no problems. It has nice leather seats and also has a 4×4.”