On November 27, 2024, Disney released the sequel to their famous 2016 animated movie Moana. It was released in the United States to continue Moana’s Adventures. With Auliʻi Cravalho starring again as Moana and Dwayne Johnson as Maui, this sequel was a great way to keep the story going. This continuation included many aspects of Polynesian culture and many other cultures joining together.
Without spoiling much of the movie, it is about Moana journeying to the far seas of Oceania after receiving an unexpected call from her wayfinding ancestors. To break a certain curse, Moana teams up with Maui and some new faces for a comedic yet courageous journey.
Overall, I enjoyed the storyline but I felt that some of the songs could have been better. I additionally really liked the new outfits for the characters. Despite being a movie about a brave girl, there are still some sentimental and heartbreaking moments in this specific movie but overall it was a great movie for all ages to enjoy.