Electives are two different classes in our school that can be chosen by students every year. They are fun classes that the students get to choose based on their likes and interests, providing a break from the normally busy and demanding school day. Electives are a good way for students to have fun and explore different things while in school. From a survey, the most favorite elective among the students is publications. Students said that they enjoy being able to write about different topics and current events that interest them. Along with student favorites, there was also video communications, art history, Spanish, and drawing. For video communications, Dakota Schneider said that she enjoys the class because she is “able to be creative and have fun while also getting work done with my friends.” For art history, Kaylum Riegel said that he likes being able to learn about art, and that he is now able to recognize more art and point it out to others. For the Spanish elective, one student said that they “like learning new things, and it is an overall beautiful language.” For drawing, Kaitlyn Gallagher said that she likes being able to take a break from the day and just draw for a period.
One student said that if they could change something from one of their classes, they would change the publications assignments because “we do the same ones every single year.” While doing the same assignments might seem because you are used to them, it can be boring to some when having to redo the same exact thing.
The students were also asked what other electives they would like to see implemented into our school. Dakota Schneider said that she would really like to see a public speaking class, because it would provide a way to become more confident in speaking in front of large crowds of people. “It would also just really help with our futures overall,” she said. Another student, Lilly Gibson, said that she would love a photography class in the high school. There are a lot of students in our school that enjoy photography, and it would be a good and most likely popular elective. She also said that she would like to see a speech and drama class, because she “took one in middle school and absolutely loved it.” Another student said that they would really like to see a class, something almost like an “intro to adulthood.” Although it wouldn’t necessarily be the most fun, it would definitely help students prepare for the future, teaching them how to pay taxes and loans, even things such as making doctor appointments or setting up an air conditioner. Student Kaitlyn Gallagher said that she would like to see a fashion class elective. She said that the class wouldn’t just be about fashion, but would also include a “deep dive into things like fast fashion and how fashion boosts the economy.”
While students might enjoy their current electives, there is always room to add some more in favor of the students. It may cost money and time, but students would definitely have a good time and like to see them in the school if they were to ever be implemented.
Elective choices and opinions
January 16, 2025