Coraline was a stop motion fantasy horror movie released in 2009, directed by Henry Selick, who was inspired from the 2002 novella of the same name, Coraline, by Neil Gaiman. Coraline received a 15th anniversary screening in the theaters, that included a short documentary at the end about updating the puppets for preservation.
Coraline is based around the story of a young girl discovering a door embedded in the walls of her new house. Nobody knew this little door would open up a fascinating yet dangerous universe. As this was leading to Coraline finding her own utopia, until everything went south.
As Coraline has been a fan favorite ever since it was created, we still see it featured through our everyday shops and streaming apps. Recently there was the streaming of Coraline 2009 in 3D on August 15 2024 throughout November 2024, as some dates are still available in theaters.
I saw Coraline in theaters, and left having “a different outlook” of my childhood favorite. When I would watch Coraline in my younger years, it was “haughty or creepy” because of the horror theme the movie has. I would “rate the 3D version of Coraline 11 stars” if I could.
As Kaylea is not the only teen who highly enjoyed the new take on the movies, adults were more excited. An audience review from IMMb Ryan Ronhan said, “Coraline is not a movie or a story; it’s a world of imagination that has been sewed up with every possible desire that we all had ever imagined.” From another IMDb Audience Review Classic Boxing Matches commented, “I also watched it in 3D and it’s one of the best 3D presentations I’ve ever seen.” For more audience reviews visit IMDb: Ratings, Reviews, and Where to Watch the Best Movies.
Overall Coraline is and hopefully forever be a fan favorite for its strange intake to present a mysterious and disturbing story. The constant support from fans keep anniversaries relevant for Coraline, since it has reached their 15th anniversary, causing the streaming of the 3D version.