On March 19 or 20 many people experienced a shift in the seasons spring is officially here. Many fun and exciting holidays are starting.
Holi is a Hindu festival celebrated as the Festival of Colors, Love, and Spring. Holi is celebrated as a way to welcome spring and a fresh start. Those who are participating in Holi throw colored powder into the air filling it with vibrant colors which have so many meanings to them. Some have a personal connection to the colors that were thrown and some are used as an American New Years Resolution and the commitment that wants to be achieved throughout spring. For more information visit https://www.volunteerforever.com/
A Jewish holiday celebrated in Israel is called Passover. Where families and friends honor their ancestors and how they are freed from slavery. Passover lasts for seven days but only the first and last days are celebrated with a special meal.
A well known holiday in America is Easter. The common tradition in kids is having an egg hunt. The fantasy figure the Easter Bunny comes at night and leaves a basket with candy, chocolate, and goods, as well as eggs scattered across the yard for the kids to find more goods inside. For the families at dinner time it is a common tradition to have ham on Easter. But it was not always ham. Families had lamb before World War II, but then the demand for wool lessen and ham was much cheaper. For more information read this article https://www.al.com/life/