Mama Mia is a musical drama set in Greece that features the actors Meryl Streep, Amanda Seyfried, Pierce Brosnan, and Colin Firth. It was produced in 2008 by Universal Pictures and directed by Phyllida Lloyd. It is rated PG-13, making it the perfect movie for a family movie night for kids in high school. The movie is currently being streamed on Netflix and other smaller streaming services, such as YouTube and Amazon Prime.
Many of the well-known songs featured throughout the movie are played by Abba, a Swedish pop group formed in 1972. These songs include “Dancing Queen,” “Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie!” and “Money, Money, Money.”
The movie is about a mom and daughter who own a hotel on an island in Greece. Donna is the mother, and Sophia is the daughter. Donna’s two friends come to the island to help her prepare for Sophia’s wedding. Sophia has never known who her father is, and as her wedding approaches, she reads her mom’s journal in an attempt to find her dad. She reads about three men in the journal who could potentially be her father, and she invites all three to her wedding without her mother knowing. This causes the days leading up to her wedding to be an insane search for which man is her true father so that he can walk her down the aisle.
The movie features romance, plot twists, and drama, which makes it a movie perfect for any hopeless romantic. I would also recommend that any person interested in different types of music watch Mama Mia for the Abba music alone. Mama Mia is an amazing movie for many different types of people to enjoy!