Aerial Boundaries is a singing group at HAHS that performs for many different events and occasions. On Valentine’s Day they will offer Singing Grams. Singing Grams were available for purchase outside of the various lunches and students bought a singing gram for a friend or special someone for them to get sung to in the library and that person also received a candy. The person who receives one will be taken out of their class momentarily and be sung a short song from half of the Aerial Boundaries members. They split half of them up and put them on different times to sing for groups of periods. This is the second year that Aerial Boundaries has done this for Valentine’s and it was very fun last year for many people so hopefully it will be again. This is a fundraiser for Aerial Boundaries that was very successful and raised a lot of money.
Skylynn Binder, a junior at HAHS, says she is excited for another year of singing grams. She helped to sell them and was telling many people to buy them. She is very enthusiastic about this experience and says buying a singing gram for someone is “A great way to embarrass a friend.” Skylynn also encourages many to buy one for someone special and that it makes a cute and sweet gift.