The American drama television series The Idol directed and written by Sam Levinson was released to HBO and MAX on June 2, 2023 through July 2, 2023. The cast includes Lily-Rose Depp as Jocelyn, “The Weekend” as Tedros, Troye Sivan as Jocelyn’s best friend, and Jane Adams as Jocelyn’s record label executive.
I would rate this show a 6.5/10. I thought that the show had an interesting storyline about a pop star who is going through a mental block after the passing of her mother. I also enjoyed the actors’ presentation of the characters. I feel that the cast did an ok job, but I feel some scenes were just too theatrical. The show follows the life of a pop star who we learn in later episodes is overcoming the recent passing of her mother and her progressive downfall. She eventually meets a shady DJ who subjects her to come out of her comfort zone and helps her music career while brainwashing her and stealing her money. Which made me feel uneasy because she was so in love with him she did not see the bad he was doing not only to her but her friends. Also, the scenes of them together were over exaggerated which made the show seem fake and almost comical. She eventually has him taken away when her manager tells her what is really going on, which made me breathe a sigh of relief. After months of rebuilding herself she goes back on tour which is exciting for the audience after we see her breakdowns and obstacles, but there is a plot twist in the last episode of the series, which shocked me due to how much she had been through.