Skye is a sophomore, and is currently in BCTC for cosmetology. Even though she is only in HAHS for one half of the day, one thing she enjoys most about HAHS is the amount of free time students have. Study halls give students time to themselves and when she finishes her work early in class it also gives her freetime. Math is Skye’s favorite subject, and Science is her least favorite due to it being difficult to understand. She speaks English and doesn’t take any languages here at HAHS. Skye is looking forward to leaving school for 11th grade at the end of this school year. She is excited to see what next year has for her.
She enjoys listening to music and making art. Skye’s favorite genre of music is metal. One of her favorite artists is Slipknot.
She is very grateful for her friends and family. She loves to hangout with friends
One thing that Skye is looking forward to in the future is having a home and family. Family is very important to her because having people there for her makes herself feel better.