With a cold start to the new year, a lot of speculation of snow days have gone around Hamburg. The whole school was prepared by teachers on what to do in the case where there was a virtual day. For most classes, students would have a light workload for virtual days. Besides virtual days that started in 2020 due to COVID-19, there were normal snow days. Snow days were simply a day off school with no classes, just a day to hang out in the snow. Many kids miss snow days due to how rare they are now, but other kids are more fond of virtual days.
Sophomore Bethany Stufflet predicts that for the rest of the 2023-2024 school year, there might be one snow day, particularly soon due to the cold weather. Besides snow days she thinks that there is a chance for there to be about one or two morning delays. Bethany tends to like virtual days more due to still being able to do work.
Another sophomore, Maddie Handwerk, guesses that there will be two to three snow days this year. She does not think that this school year will have too many delays. She also prefers virtual days over snow days as they do not take away days towards summer break in order to make up days.
One other sophomore, John Sharp, thinks that there will be one snow day in February. For delays, he thinks that there will be approximately three. John’s opinion on snow days is that he would rather have normal snow days due to him having to help clean snow.
More students seem to rather have virtual days due to there being less work to catch up on when students go back, or because they do not take off more time from break. Other students who do not care about school work, or have to help clean off snow, tend to like normal snow days more.