A proper diet is a very crucial part of an athlete’s performance levels. The right diet will improve things such as recovery, energy, endurance and muscle repair. A good balanced diet would be things such as proteins, carbohydrates and electrolytes. These will be found in fruits, vegetables, yogurt, nuts, eggs, and meats.
It is also equally important to stay hydrated as well. An athlete’s body is like a well oiled machine. With the proper maintenance and upkeep to stay running strong and avoid breakdowns. Giving the body the proper nutrients is the same as putting the right fuel in a car. If the body is not given the right diet as an athlete, a student will not be able to perform at their highest ability. Things that are high in sugar, starch, and oily will negatively affect an athlete’s performance levels.
Kayla Kehl, Hamburg field hockey student athlete says the proper diet is extremely important in an athlete’s performance. Kayla stated she finds a major difference between having the right diet versus not having the right foods. The diet needs to be a balanced diet with the right amount of nutrients. Along with the right diet is the amount of water intake your body needs. Having a balanced diet and the right amount of water you will be able to be in the best shape you can be for your performance.
https://kidshealth.org/ https://www.nih.gov/ https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/sporting-performance-and-food#:~:text=health%20of%20athletes.-,The%20athlete’s%20diet,20%20to%2035%25%20from%20fat.