Kaeli Cox is a junior taking her second year of publications. She enjoys having the opportunity to make the yearbook look nice for people to see. She does not want anyone’s money to go to waste. Kaeli usually sits in the back corner in the chairs with a footrest and privacy screens. She finds those seats comfortable and relaxing. Kaeli loves being able to work productively while sitting comfortably in a chair. She works on assignments for publications like articles, yearbook pages, and whatever else is in her handbook. If Kaeli is caught up on her work for publications and there is nothing due for a long time, she will catch up on work in other classes like math.
While in publications Kaeli does not like to just sit around and do nothing so she budgets her time to be productive while in the class. She is currently working on the yearbook pages for cross country. Kaeli says doing her work in the library is very efficient because there are little to no distractions and it is very quiet.
Sometimes the publications work can be a bit overwhelming for her but rarely ever. She says that even though there are only two assignments due per week, writing an article in a certain amount of time can be stressful. She tries to get her work turned in on time, but sometimes she forgets the deadline for certain assignments. But she says that she mostly turns everything in at the start of class.
One of the many perks of taking publications is you get to have a ThinkPad. It is the type of computer your teachers use. Kaeli learned how to operate one and use its advanced technology. She learned how to download apps that she will need to use while she makes the yearbook. Kaeli learned how to write exceptionally well articles that Mrs. McCarthy checks for any errors. Publications has taught Kaeli many things and she enjoys the class a lot.
What Kaeli works on in publications
December 19, 2023