Madison Redding – 10
A small majority of Hamburg Area High School students have an after school job. As high school students it can be stressful balancing work and school because some students have a schedule that runs 6 am all the way to 10 pm. Some high school students have extracirriculars after school as well. Walden they state that working can teach students the difference between working and earning. They can teach students management skills and help students stay out of trouble and keep a structure in and out of school. Walden University also states they help students build confidence for future careers.
According to Walden University there are negatives that come with having a job in high school. This includes hurting academic achievements and taking away free time for homework and sports. Having a job while in high school can also install negative out looks of work and careers.
Skylynn Binder, a 11th grade student at Hamburg Area High School, worked at Candy’s Homemade Ice cream shop in Shoemakersville. She stated that there are both positives and negatives of working. She said, “positives are money to spend and save as I please.” Her negatives were, “It was hard to resist overspending, work took away time for homework and my extracurriculars it was not easy for me.” She then replied that “it would be 100% easier if I didnt have to have a job while in school.”
Genevieve Arena, a junior at HAHS, also works at Candy’s Homemade Ice Cream Shop. She said that the positives with working are having an, “independent source of income and a negative is less freetime and less time for school work.” Genevieve said that it is hard for her to balance both work and school.