On September 29 Hamburg Area High School Varsity football team played Lancaster Catholic on our jersey themed home game. We faced a devastating loss of 61-23 and are now 3-3 in our division. Junior football players Logan Monroe and Aidan Readinger say they feel “the game could have been better. Also I feel the team did not put forth their full effort.” The game was disappointing for the HAHS winning streak and it was very stressful for the players and coaches.
Everyone could buy jerseys at a table near the concession stands but ahead of time, the cheerleaders got and wore the football players away jerseys for the night. While some of the players did not mind it, others did. Logan Monroe says,” The cheerleaders wearing the jerseys would be cute if they were dating a football player.” While I think it was a good idea to allow the cheerleaders to wear the jerseys, Aidan states, “ If we have another jersey night the cheerleaders should not wear our jerseys.” They also hope the team puts forth the full effort and play to their potential.