Hamburg students share opinions in new sports they would like at HAHS

March 31, 2023
Hamburg offers a variety of sports for lots of different athletes, whether they enjoy sliding into home base, scoring the game-winning goal, or even bowling with friends. However, some athletes wish Hamburg offered more sports throughout the school year to increase participation and school spirit. A survey was sent out to the entire student body with the question, “What sports do you wish HAHS offered?” to see exactly what should be added.
The most popular sport sought after for Hamburg students is volleyball, for both boys and girls. Almost 50 percent of students voted that volleyball should be the next sport added to Hamburg’s repertoire. This is also evident in gym class where students show great enthusiasm to play the game because it is their only opportunity to do so.
Sophomore Amelia Gassert thoroughly enjoys playing volleyball in gym class during the school year. “I feel like everyone wants to play volleyball,” says Mia. Although she is already a three sport athlete here at Hamburg, she would enjoy the opportunity to play with her friends on an official team. “I would love the chance to play to stay active during the winter.”
Ice hockey was the second most popular vote among the student body. Although Hamburg did have a non-affiliated team play at the Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex, there has been lackluster participation throughout the past few seasons. This sport makes it a bit more difficult as Hamburg does not have a rink facility, however, students are still hoping for an official team in the future.
Lacrosse is the third popular sport that students hope to play as Hamburg students. This sport is very popular in Berks County, especially in schools like Wilson, Berks Catholic, Conrad Weiser and Governor Mifflin. Not only would lacrosse add athletic participation in Hamburg, but also county-wide competition to local rivals.
Other votes for additional teams include dance, rugby, table tennis, kickball and swimming. Although some sports are more difficult to include than others due to coaching staff, equipment, locations and number of students participating, Hamburg students are hoping for new sports to be added to make Hamburg a stronger school on the field and off.