Students disappointed from Super bowl turnout

Erica Gerner

 Since the Super Bowl had a team that is from Pennsylvania there were a bunch of Eagles fans that were disappointed by the outcome. Sophomore Amelia Gassert stated, “I am an Eagles fan, so I was disappointed that the Eagles did not get the win.” Even though the Eagles did not win this Super Bowl they will probably have a good chance next Super Bowl. 

     Freshman John Sharp stated, “I wanted to see the Eagles get a win, because the Chiefs have won a few in the past five years.” It is always good to see other teams win a Super Bowl, over teams that have been winning for the past few. 

     The game was very close and competitive the whole time, but by the end, some of the Eagles fans did not like what the Chiefs did for the last two minutes of the game. Gassert stated, “The last two minutes of the game was so boring that I feel like the Chiefs should not be able to play like that.” Although there are no rules that any team can not do that, it was not great for the Eagles. Another major surprise about the Super Bowl is how they were trying to take the win away from the Chief’s because of a drug test on Patrick Mahomes that came back positive. 

     Sharp stated, “I think depending on the test results and what they gave to him, the win should be taken away.” Although it wouldn’t be possible to have the Eagles get the win because they technically did not get the most points. 

     In conclusion, the Chiefs win disappointed many people around the school and there is talk about the Chiefs losing their win because of the drug test on Patrick Mahomes. Which turned out to be a rumor and it is not possible for them to take the win away from the Chief’s.