Students blame “School air” For problems

Grace Cromyak


     Each and every week TikTok has new upcoming trends that eventually become nationwide, whether that is pranking friends and family, new food recipes, hairstyles, or some that are confusing like “the chav trend”, the term “rizz”, and “school air.” When people see school air, they can immediately think of the smell of the air, how fast it may be blowing, or the direction of it. But in reality, others are twisting it into another direction.
    This trend mostly the female population could relate to, which is pretty unique and quite funny. The reason being that this is so funny is because, these people who created the trend are turning the school into their personal problems. Saying, “Proof it’s the school’s air”. Basically in the video the person films him/herself before they go to school and transition to what they look like after school. In this case they are blaming the school air because their hair is not nicely curled as it was in the morning or their foundation wore off completely during the day. “I think the whole school air thing is a real thing I feel this because when I’m at school, I’m exhausted and I look much more tired and almost not completely myself, versus when I am at home,” said sophmore Madison Redding.
      Others then create more of these videos relating to problems that others are experiencing and then it becomes a trend. “I don’t seem to understand the trend because sometimes I see where others are coming from and sometimes I don’t. I see that it is true some way when they describe the trend,” said freshman Chloee Stitzel. The honest reason behind the “school air” trend could be because others may not have a brush on them all the time. Plus when they go from class to class, their hair could get nappy if girls come from gym class, their makeup could be smudged and worn off from over heating and constantly moving from not using quality products.