Bowling Team Spotlight

Morgan Lutz

Hamburg Area High School offers many different sports that students may participate in, including bowling. Between both the girls and boys teams combined, Hamburg’s bowling team consists of 29 students, all ranging from freshmen to seniors. There is also a large array of experience among the team. Some students have been playing for eight years, like Kameron (Kam) Dreibelbis, a freshman, or just starting this year, like Connor Moyer, who is also a freshman at Hamburg Area High School. 

     Bowling is a team sport that many different types of people can participate in and enjoy. Matthew Curtis states, “Bowling is a sport for everyone.” He also says that he enjoys being able to spend time chatting with his teammates.

     However bowling is not an easy sport. You need two things to be a good bowler. Technique and information about where you are bowling. Kam says, “A bowler’s technique is very important, where the ball is thrown, how much curve is put on it, and especially making sure you can accurately hit your spare shots. Hitting your spare shots is so important because one missed spare could change your score from 10 to 20 pins, so someone that hits their spares consistently is a very good and skilled bowler. The reason information is important is if you know how much oil is on the lanes, then you will have a better idea of how to throw it beforehand, giving you the advantage.”

     The team bowls at Hiester Lanes in Reading. When asked which rival bowling team has the best competition, almost every person on the team said Exeter, with a few members saying Antietam.

     A disadvantage to the team’s improvement is the limited number of places that students are able to practice. There are only two lanes close to Hamburg, and each is about 30 minutes away from the school. This may make it difficult for some students to practice on their own time due to difficulty finding transportation.

      If any students want to sign up for bowling in the following season, visit