Being a good student

A plus grade written in red, on notebook paper with the pen sitting there.
February 8, 2023
There are many ways to describe a good student. Students can raise their hand in class, set personal goals for themselves, make a study schedule, take advantage of educator resources, and more. Studying for a test in advance is very important and will help students test grades and their knowledge on that topic. At HASD, every student gets an agenda which is a planner that you have homework, passes, the rules, punishments, and much more.
Mrs. Herman, Math Teacher at HAHS, states, “A good student is a person who is willing to learn. Being willing to learn includes being prepared for class with all necessary materials, being ready to participate in class/group discussions, being open to “digesting” new material, and being eager to teach a fellow student who may need to absorb the information from a different perspective.”
Kaylee Fornwalt, student at HAHS, states “A good student is being on time with all of your tasks, having good grades, and participating.” She also states, “It takes a lot of effort and time to become a good student and practice with studying.”