History of why Pi Day is celebrated
Happy Pi day. Rubber stamp isolated on white background. 14 march world mathematical holiday event label, greeting card decoration graphic element. The design of the old worn round stamp for holiday.
February 7, 2023
March 14 is a very historical day, although some people do not know it. It is the annual celebration of pi, not the food pie, but the mathematical sign of pi. The sign was founded in 1988 by Larry Shaw, a physicist. March 14 is a very special day not only just because pi is celebrated on that day but also because it happens to be Albert Einstein‘s birthday. The date of March 14 was picked for the day pi day is celebrated purely because March 14 is 3/14 which looks like 3.14 of the mathematical sign pi.
It actually was not until 2009 that the U.S. House of Representatives allowed it to pass legislation making pi day an official national holiday. It was celebrated for the first time at the Exploratorium, a San Francisco-based interactive science museum. This museum was Shaw’s place of work.
Tia Adam, a freshman at Hamburg Area High School, explained what she already knew about pi. She knows that it is a mathematical sign that goes on forever and is celebrated on March 14 due to the date being 3.14. She was very fascinated by the actual history of pi as she did not know that much about it. When she heard it was also Albert Einstein’s birthday, she told me that it was very cool that we celebrated it then. Before doing any research someone might not know much about pi day other than it is celebrated on 3/14 and is a mathematical sign. Now that more is known about pi, someone might be even more fascinated by it.
For more information about Pi Day visit: https://www.history.com/news/where-did-pi-day-come-from#:~:text=March%2014%20marks%20Pi%20Day,to%20be%20Albert%20Einstein’s%20birthday.