Perfect paragraph

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February 3, 2023
A perfect paragraph can be made in different ways depending on the teacher and their writing style. Since there are various styles of writing; creative, journalistic, and narrative, and more, paragraphs can look and read differently depending on the text. A paragraph can range from one sentence to five, ten, or even more. Paragraphs range in size depending on the topic.
Well-developed paragraphs are important. According to, students can make the perfect paragraph by following these steps. “#1, Choose the main idea of the paragraph and write a topic sentence. #2, Include supporting sentences. #3, Improve flow and readability with transition sentences.”
Mrs. Trubilla, English teacher at HAHS, states, “I would say that a perfect paragraph is unified and contains an analytical topic sentence, strong evidence that is embedded using grade or writing level appropriate strategies, a concluding “so what?” moment.”
Danelle Wollyung, Student at HAHS, states, “You need to start off with a graphic organizer, which includes, topic sentences, background information, a completed thesis statement, three body paragraphs; body paragraphs include a topic sentence, an introduction, cite of evidence, explanation, and a concluding sentence.”
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