Teacher spotlight Mr. King
February 3, 2023
Mr. King is an Engineering and Game Design teacher at HAHS. According to Mr. King, “I have a Bachelor’s degree from Penn State Berks and a Masters from Lehigh. I also spent seven years in the U.S. Air Force Reserve.” Mr. King has a bachelor’s degree actually in writing but most of his experience is in engineering. He has it in writing because he wasn’t happy with the degree he chose originally (Computer Networking) and his advisor recommended it to him. It was a new degree at the time at his school and he thought, in retrospect, that they were trying to push students into it. That is the schooling he took to get to where he is today. His bachelor’s degree is in Professional and Technical Writing. He was an electronics technician on C-130 aircraft. He also worked on the Electronic Countermeasures equipment, which was the equipment on the plane that helped to keep it from getting shot down. He also got a degree in Engineering because he wanted to get a degree in engineering to begin with. It’s what he did in the Air Force and is what he is most comfortable doing.
This is his 9th year teaching full time at Hamburg. He also taught for two years as a long-term sub. He graduated from Hamburg Area High School in 2000.
His favorite part of teaching at Hamburg is the supportive and caring administration. His least favorite part is students who do not care.
He does not have another job than the one he currently has at Hamburg, but has had other jobs in the past years and in some ways has always been a teacher. He enjoys teaching at Hamburg a lot because he can enjoy helping students and guiding them through the work.
It was not at all difficult for him to adjust to Hamburg because he has lived here his whole life and Hamburg is his hometown. Something that has stayed the same while he has been at Hamburg is farming culture and parking issues. Something that changed while he lived in Hamburg was the expansion of the Cabela’s shopping center has changed what it’s like to live in Hamburg quite a bit. Before he graduated high school, there were just fields across the street from Cracker Barrel. If you wanted to buy something, you generally had to go to Reading.
According to Mr. King, “I thought it would be weird, but it’s not. I really didn’t enjoy high school, and I’m sure my classmates from the time would be very surprised to know that I’m doing this, but this is home and it’s familiar.” This is what he said during his teaching at his school.
Hobbies he enjoys doing in his free time are learning to code, breaking and fixing things, playing games, and reading.
He would like to continue his teaching career for as long as they will let him.