Student Council sells silk flowers

Morgan Lutz

     Hamburg area student council is selling silk flowers again this year! STUCO has been organizing a Valentine’s Day flower fundraiser for over 20 years. The club used to sell real flowers, but they stopped around 15 years ago when an unfortunate and expensive incident occurred. The club had bought and gotten all of the flowers delivered to the school and were ready to hand them out the next day. Unfortunately, the school then called multiple snow days before a long weekend. When the students and staff got back to the school, the flowers were wilted and dead. The club had to pay the flower shop and also refund all of the students who purchased flowers. STUCO has since decided to sell flowers that will last forever, which are made of silk. 

     The flower committee this year is made up of two seniors, Stephany Perez and Alexa Burkey. The flowers are being sold for $1 each and are available for purchase from February 1 through 10. They will be delivered on Valentine’s Day, which is a Tuesday this year, to the students’ homerooms. The student who purchases a flower will have the option to stay anonymous or add a note and sign it. 

     Students will be able to purchase the flowers during flex and lunch. Volunteers will be in the different flex locations, and there will be a cart in the lunch room. Mrs. McCarthy will also have order forms set out in the library. For any more information about the flowers and how to buy them, contact Mrs. McCarthy.