HAHS starts Christmas shopping
Man holding shopping bags with presents on the street
December 21, 2022
It’s that time of year again, snow falling outside, trees lit in every window, and of course, presents. Christmas is a notorious favorite holiday, between the family gatherings and delicious dinners, there is one thing every child looks forward to, gifts. Knowing the perfect gift for someone is always a great feeling, but for some knowing what to give others is a struggle. There are many factors to giving someone a gift, knowing if they will like it, how often they will use it, if it is even useful. To help avoid stressing over something that should be so memorable, a few members of Hamburg Area High School shared their favorite places to find gifts.
According to Statista.com, about 57% of America shops online for Christmas gifts. Mrs. Ottaviani said, “I like to shop online. I like the variety Amazon has. If I shop in person I like to go to the King of Prussia Mall.” Similarly, Mr. Buggy shared, “I like to shop online because it shows up at your door.” Online shopping is becoming more and more popular, the comfort of buying without leaving the couch is putting many malls out of business. Although it does have positives, online shopping creates more jobs, as well as provides an efficient and convenient way to shop.
While there are perks to shopping online, such as convenience and variety, some prefer to find their gifts in person. Mrs. Heckman said, “I like Kohl’s because I’m a big coupon shopper and they have awesome deals. I also like that you can use Kohl’s cash and get online deals, there’s a lot of perks.” Mrs. Zglinicki also shared, “I like going to Ollie’s. They have a lot of toy options for my grandkids.” Finally, Mrs. Eshbach says, “I love to shop at TJ Maxx for everything, not just Christmas presents. Usually, I find something for myself too.” So while there are pros and cons for both ways to shop, they both have a variety of options.
A few interesting answers were also shared. Rowan Epting, a sophomore, can see both sides and said, “I like to shop on Amazon, because they have everything and it comes in two days, I also don’t have to pay for shipping. I also like Target, because they have cute stuff for my friends. I go to Walmart for my sister because I always forget to get her something.” Mrs. Zweizig shared, “The bank because it’s easier to give a check than to go shopping.” Not everyone chooses to shop online or in person there is a mix.