Hamburg students reveal their favorite school lunches

Hailey Quinn, Pinnacle Faculty/Staff Editor

Lunch. Everybody loves it, but some lunches are loved more than others. What exactly are the favorite lunches at HAHS? 

     A Google Form was sent out to all the students in the high school, and the results state that the favorite school lunch is shells and cheese, with 24.6% of the votes. The runner up is orange chicken, with 13.9% of the votes. 

     Lisa Eisenhower, the high school kitchen manager, said that shells and cheese is the biggest seller based on her observations. She also noted that anything with chicken usually does well. Another observation Lisa made was that steak sandwiches used to be a hot item, but in recent years they have become a less favored lunch. Steak sandwiches had no votes in the survey. 

     Her observations of the favorite and least favorite lunches align very closely with the data from the survey. It is important for her to keep track of what is liked and disliked in order to know how much food to make each day. Although the lunch menu guidelines are dictated by the National School Lunch Program and the Department of Education, Lisa still plans what lunches are served on what day and how much to make of each lunch. She stresses the importance of keeping notes and looking at the paperwork from previous months in order to see how much was sold, which then determines the amount of food made each day.

     Lisa is always open to suggestions, so if students want something added to the menu, get in touch with her, and that suggestion might be on the next lunch menu!