Hamburg launches AP German pilot program

Abigail Behm, Pinnacle Faculty/Staff Editor

 Mrs. Stevens, better known to her students as Frau Stevens, is piloting Hamburg High School’s first full year AP German program. Working jointly with AP College Board and German 4 students, the pilot program AP German Language and Culture is taking flight with a determined handful of students willing to go the extra mile and push for a deeper understanding of the crucial language study. Frau Stevens pushed for the AP program because “the rewards for the students who do well are just so extensive and beneficial.” Should students decide to continue the German language elective track through German 3, they will be eligible for the AP German program.

The rewards to which Frau Stevens is referring include anywhere from 12 to 14 credits depending on the standards of the college. Additionally, the shifting paradigm of colleges is that they are looking for more language experience in applicants than in previous years. Between the global economy and technological explosion, our world is more connected than ever. As a result, being able to take advantage of those connections is critical to many aspects of modern life and success.

Current AP student Quinn Holl asserts that learning a language like German in the depth provided by the AP course “allows a connection to the world, to be able to experience countries and cultures not just as a tourist.” Holl’s perspective is that German is a “useful” topic of study in modern life. Global connections are critical to nearly all transactions in modern life due to the massive spread of technology, social media, and communication. German, as well as other languages, is a vital part of understanding the world around the individual, and an understanding of the world affords patience, kindness, and a war against ignorance to hopefully fight for a better tomorrow.

Hamburg is taking its place in this fight by expanding horizons to many languages and programs. Holl states that the AP German program “makes Hamburg more unique” and allows opportunities to “not be close-minded” about other people who are different from us. Hamburg is no longer the rural, isolated farm school. Hamburg is a flourishing community teeming with educational opportunities suited to a multitude of interests and pursuits. From international trips to exchange programs to a thriving attitude supporting community and community service, Hamburg strives every day to continue adapting to better prepare students for a rapidly changing world.

The pilot AP German program is one of many steps geared toward preparing students for a world far larger than the small town of Hamburg. With the help of pilot students, Frau Stevens, the support of administrative staff, and AP College Board, the AP German program will add to the rapidly expanding list of unique and academic opportunities offered by Hamburg Area High School.