The stomach flu is fast approaching

Petra Hertzog - 9, Pinnacle Underclassmen

    Viral gastroenteritis, often called the stomach flu, is an intestinal infection that attacks the intestines. A person can acquire this virus by coming in contact with an infected person or by ingesting contaminated foods or beverages. There is no effective treatment for the virus, but thoroughly washing hands is key to staying healthy.

    Young children are susceptible to getting the stomach flu because they are in childcare centers or elementary schools. They also get this illness easily because it takes time for a child’s immune systems to mature. Older adults are also susceptible to getting infected by the stomach flu. The main reason is because older adults immune systems are less efficient. Most older adults also live in nursing homes, which means that if someone catches the virus, it is very likely to get spread around to everyone. Finally, anyone who is around large groups of people that come together in close spaces are most common to be affected by the stomach flu.

    Abdominal cramps or pain, particularly in the stomach region, may be a sign of the stomach flu. Vomiting and nausea are also common symptoms along with a low grade fever. Diarrhea is also a common symptom most people may experience. These symptoms may appear within one to three days of being infected and can range from mild to severe. Symptoms may last a day or two, but they can last up to ten days.

Janessa Williams says, that when she got the stomach flu it was horrible. She said that she couldn’t eat anything, and when she did, all she did was throw up. She says that to get better she rested a lot and drank a lot of water. The stomach flu for her, lasted about 4 days before she was feeling back to normal and could return to school.

    There are no specific treatment options for the stomach flu. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses, so a doctor will not prescribe them for this specific illness. Treatment for this illness is mostly self-care treatment. Some at home treatments may include: drinking liquids to stay hydrated and eating light foods like crackers or plain bread. Getting plenty of rest is important too, so that the illness can pass as quickly as possible.

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