In fall there are a lot of things to look forward to, and it is a very exciting time. The autumnal equinox is an annual event that happens in September and this year it will occur on Sunday, September 22 at approximately 8:43 or 8:44 am. There are many things to learn about involving the sun, earth, and moon. This event is just one of the many wonders of our world.
An equinox is the time or date, twice each year, at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of equal length. During the autumnal equinox, in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun will cross the celestial equator going south. This event is important because it marks the beginning of the autumn/fall season.
The start of autumn is an enjoyable time for many people because of the temperature and the many activities that occur. Ninth grade student Kaida Chwatek says, “I love fall because the temperature is not too hot or cold, and it is such a fun time of year. I love making pumpkin bread with my family and spending time with them.” Autumn is the perfect season to spend time outside and enjoy the beautiful weather that comes along with it.
When the color of leaves start to change and the temperature starts to get cooler, many can tell that the start of a new season is here. Not only are there so many fun activities that come with fall, but also the aspect of nature is fascinating. The autumnal equinox is truly an amazing way to start the season and signify that autumn is starting.